*takes a sip of tea* : Now it’s time to go over the rules of being a lady or gentleman while on the bike.
*spits out tea*: Heck no!! That’s not how we roll here, we are here to have fun, get sweaty and kill it on the bike! That being said we have a few guidelines to make it an absolutely killer experience for everyone who comes through our doors.
Arrive Early
Getting to class anywhere between 10-15min early doesn't just mean getting first pick of the bikes (which let’s be real is a pretty great reason to get there before everyone else) it also means our Motivators and Crew have more time to help you set up, ask you about your weekend and pump you up for class!
Leave Your Shoes at the Door
Is one of the worst feelings in the world stepping into a puddle while wearing socks? It’s definitely up there! We like to avoid this by asking our Bikergang to leave their shoes at the front door where they will get a little love from our shoe fairies (aka our amazing crew) - how do you know the shoe fairy has paid your pair a visit? They are beautifully tidied and lined up alongside those of your fellow Bikergang.
Dress to Ride
Comfy and clean are our two favourite words when picking out the best clothing to spin in before class. No one wants to ride in jeans (not even during Stampede) and you can’t compete with a breath of freshly-washed-clothing- air to start your class. Sports bra didn’t make it into your gym bag this morning? Leggings are all in the wash? No worries!! We’ve got a whole wall of super cute clothes for you to get your spin on, in style.
Leave Your Phones Outside - Don’t be a Tommy Texter
The doors into the spin room are truly magical, when you enter you can officially leave everything outside those doors. Focusing on you, your body and how you are going to kill it in class is all you need with us during class. As Cineplex has told us for years, that flashing light is distracting and best left in our locker rooms or in our secure lockers.
Keeping it to Wooo’s and Yahoo’s
We love hearing you cheer each other, yourself and our motivators on during class, in fact we encourage you to ‘WOOOO’ your head off if your feeling inspired! However, talking during class can be distracting to your fellow Bikergang and we know you don’t want to miss that cue to drop after those hover slides...
Finally...Work Hard!!